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[МИД] Обзор ситуации в мире

37 Day 1,594, 08:08 Published in Russia Russia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

МИД еРоссии предлагает вашему вниманию обзор геополитической и социально-экономической ситуации в мире на основе отчетов наших послов в разных странах. Матер … read more »

Minority report on the issue of Chile.

142 Day 1,578, 16:20 Published in Russia Russia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

An important event happened in Terra’s life today - Chile was expelled from the alliance. Russia happened to … read more »

Информация от МИД.

35 Day 1,574, 03:00 Published in Russia Russia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

English version below.

Доброго времени суток, жители Нового Мира!

Как вы все знаете, недавно поднимался [url= more »

Latest events in eRussia's view.

35 Day 1,571, 14:24 Published in Russia Russia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Русская версия ниже.

Greetings, citizens of New World!

After an internal conflict in EDEN different views were spread in eRussia. One … read more »

Перевод: Интервью с президентом Турции

32 Day 1,492, 14:11 Published in Russia Russia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Добрый день, жители еРоссии.
В этой статье представляем вашему вниманию интервью с президентом Турции, [url= more »