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Zvanični stav Ujedinjenog Kraljestva povodom političke krize u eSrbiji

8 Day 2,068, 08:30 Published in Serbia Serbia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Poštovani građani republike eSrbije,

vlada i vojska Velike Britanije želela bi da izrazi svoju zabrinutost povodom situacije u našoj savezničkoj zemlji eSrbiji.

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Zona central

0 Day 2,063, 13:46 Published in Serbia Serbia Warfare analysis Warfare analysis

Bježe, pička jim materina!

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0 Day 2,015, 11:25 Published in Serbia Serbia Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

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Random eRep screenshots

1 Day 1,895, 01:19 Published in Poland Poland Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

when you find scope, keep fighting fast

[img][/img] … read more »

Tips and tricks: how to login

11 Day 1,695, 03:01 Published in Poland Poland First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

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