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Happy Trianon.
Maga talan taliban ebed?

1. Pleaz sub not mei uery naiz njuzpapir.
2. PM me with the your card number and your pin on eNewspaper link.
3. I'll sue you back.
4. Koszike!

Votul tău nu conteaza nici in Erepublik... crezi ca in RL e diferenta?

82 Day 4,204, 13:55 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Populatia eRomana, caci nu mai suntem un popor de ceva vreme dupa cum se vede suntem doar badande si soferi pe comunitate, lucratoare pesula, zugravi si read more »

Dragonea e divina! Erepublik e o vizuina...

43 Day 4,197, 07:46 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Toti gorporatisti si divele de tastatura din joc isi etaleaza

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Babili si chiaptanaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

3 Day 4,196, 09:00 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Intalnirea strategilor si divelor de tastatura nu iaste aici ....

In Erepublik se mai intampla nimicuri si azi epresedintele este la fel de plictisit precum cel care a curatat litiera la pisici cu limba,
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6 Day 4,194, 09:06 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I am the army guy i will protect romania from its terrorist enemies. Tax the rich people for using it pay the insurance of veterans.

Eu sunt o armată pe care o
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21 Day 4,179, 02:51 Published in Romania Romania Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

In Erepublik se mai intampla nimicuri si azi au fost multe lupte seculare care au tinut pe partea noastra cam zece minute.. dupa care am luat bataie ca doar suntem cei mai tari si cei mai frumosi la defilari more »