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A Magyar Hadügyminisztérium hivatalos közlönye (official bulletin of Hungarian Ministry of Defense)

[HK][01.06 12:05] Dobrogea***, SE.Anatolia***

19 Day 1,872, 06:01 Published in Hungary Hungary Battle orders Battle orders

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[HK][01.04 23:55] Black Sea Coast of Turkey*

19 Day 1,871, 00:09 Published in Hungary Hungary Battle orders Battle orders

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[HK][01.03 22:05] Black Sea Coast of Turkey***

8 Day 1,870, 04:52 Published in Hungary Hungary Battle orders Battle orders

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[HK][01.03 11:45] Black Sea Coast of Turkey***, Donbas*

4 Day 1,869, 03:07 Published in Hungary Hungary Battle orders Battle orders

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[HK][01.02 14:00] Patagonia*

19 Day 1,868, 05:00 Published in Hungary Hungary Battle orders Battle orders

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