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Why are we attacking Hungary AGAIN? Because...

89 Day 1,163, 03:36 Published in Romania Romania


Now that we repaired what was damaged, it's time to do something that was never done in eRepublik before.

Hungarians, I am now starting an auction! Which region pays more to be the host of the hungarian Capital for a day, read more »

eRepublik economy going down, down, down. Solutions.

32 Day 1,162, 11:32 Published in Romania Romania

In the last weeks all of you probably noticed that eRepublik ecomony is going down.

It was going down slowly but sure, because of the excess of supply (or

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BNR. Multumesc! Alegeri.

54 Day 1,161, 12:14 Published in Romania Romania

Stiu ca suna ca la o ceremonie de Oscar, dar trebuie sa o fac. Din postura de guvernator al BNR, eu Alex Craciun, in numele meu si al intregului guvern din aceasta luna, multumesc urmatorilor:

[img][/img] … read more »

BNR. Razboiul clonelor, venituri/cheltuieli.

103 Day 1,160, 04:32 Published in Romania Romania

Astazi s-au incheiat primele zece zile cu noua grila de impozite si taxe, rezultatele pot spune ca au fost peste asteptari, avem o medie de incasari la buget de 19.000 ron/zi.

Cand am impus aceasta grila vorbeam despre incasari asteptate

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Poland = smrtan? Hope not!

60 Day 1,154, 11:22 Published in Romania Romania

Hey! Polish people!

Are you all SMRTANs?

[img][/img] … read more »