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Dragi alegatori, mulţumim pentru!

19 Day 676, 13:32 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Dragi alegatori, mulţumim pentru încrederea acordată, sprijinul şi toate eforturile pe care le investiţi în partidul nostru!

Ne dăm toată silinţa să servim interesele eMoldovei! more »

Congressional election results of Rising Sun Party [Moldavia]

11 Day 676, 01:43 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Congressional election results of Rising Sun Party> #moldavia


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Moldavia independentă

13 Day 675, 12:34 Published in Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova

Dacă ai dori sai Moldavia o ţară dinamică şi liberă şi independentă,votează candidaţii

Rising Sun Party!!!

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Rising Sun Party official candidates representing [Moldavia]

9 Day 675, 01:20 Published in Hungary Hungary

The Rising Sun Party in 4 Region 28 official candidates representing.> #moldavia


1. herrheil
2. manooo
3. Megment … read more »

VOTE for a minute

2 Day 674, 17:37 Published in Hungary Hungary

Tisztelt Szavazók, Kedves Barátaim!

Megint eljött az idő, hogy irányítsuk életünket!
Ehhez csak annyit kell tennünk, hogy az urnák elé járulunk!

Aki nem tudja eldönteni, read more »