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Day 1034

5 Day 1,034, 10:56 Published in South Africa South Africa

Be sure to check the forums regularly. Changes are in the works. More information will be released soon.

Battle Orders
No battles at this … read more »

Day 1025

1 Day 1,025, 12:42 Published in South Africa South Africa

A new month. A new set of challenges. Check back often for any updates on current situations concerning our great country.

Battle Orders
No … read more »

Day 1,016: Stadler City starts a Resistance War in Northern Cape.

8 Day 1,016, 01:21 Published in South Africa South Africa

Northern Cape will be South African
In an unexpected move, Stadler City has decided to take Northern Cape back from Brazil after his dubious earlier land-swap … read more »

Day 1,013 The battle for eSouth Africa

10 Day 1,013, 13:44 Published in South Africa South Africa


As expected, stadler city had no intention of taking back NC. It was merely a diversion to drain damage so that he could retreat the region to Brazil … read more »

Day 1008: Northern Cape lost.

9 Day 1,009, 17:35 Published in South Africa South Africa

Northern Cape ended on 24 August 2010, 18:03 eRT
South Africa vs Brazil (2774 fights: 133741 vs 112233 damage)
Unfortunately we lost in the last … read more »