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Vote Matzanesia

19 Day 551, 13:19 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Don't forget to vote Matzanesia !!!

Matzanesia the only real party in whole New World, not only in Indonesia.

Clones you have to vote for Matzanesia candidates too !!! Or else your account will be more »

Pentru romanii din Matzanesia !!!

5 Day 547, 00:21 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Nu se poate ca in tara asta sa fie in top articole scrise pe limba aia extraterestra (Kiki Riki MIkiDIki). Nu inteleg nimic. Asa ca va propun ceea ce s-a mai zis deja pe aici.

Votati toate articolele romanilor. Indiferent ce porcarii sunt

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Crap ... Spam --- romanian one --- banati-ma ca sunt spammer : NOT

1 Day 546, 14:39 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Shit .. another spammer ... i want you to vote this one too :

No way ... spam ..

Votati-ma ...

Si clasicul

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Cititi-l cat mai e !!!

2 Day 546, 06:39 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Chiar nu vream sa scriu articole asa de mici, dar daca tot sunt in indonezia si asa ceva e recomandat, va recomand si eu ultimul meu articol 🙂

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X inca mai lucreaza - update incredibil(pt. mine)

8 Day 546, 05:15 Published in Romania Romania

Nu pot sa spun cine este X. Nu trebuie sa afle. Daca afla iar o sa am articol sters si warning points. X is the god of this game(i think there's only one). Macar eu am noroc, nu am luat ca altii ban direct. Doar warninguri.

Ultimul este pentru

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