Ambient on/off

The magic of languages

4 Day 686, 10:59 Published in Hungary Hungary

Hi everyone!
Sorry about the last week, I was seeing football match in Budapest, but now it's time for a double episode to make every student happy again. I know you are hungry to gain language acknoledgement. 😉 So, go on!

In the last episode

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Study Languages Again!

8 Day 672, 12:50 Published in Hungary Hungary

Hi everyone again!
I hope you enjoyed the last episode and here is the next lesson of studying languages.
The situation this week is the following.
You're abroad and you sit in a bar. Suddenly a girl is coming in the bar. Nice feet, nice form and.

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Study Languages and Have Fun!

8 Day 665, 12:20 Published in Hungary Hungary

Hi everyone!
I've started my newspaper and if you follow this, you'll study a lot of very veeery useful sentences. You're abroad and no one understands you? So this is the solution! I offer you the most improtant sentences to have a nice holiday,

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