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Kõik müügiks

10 Day 1,620, 04:37 Published in Estonia Estonia Financial business Financial business

Pealkiri ütleb kõik.

Otsustan oma firmad maha müüa ja hakkan hoopis teistmoodi strateegiat käima ajama🙂

Müügiks lähevad järgmised firma😛

1 Q4 saiatehas
1 Q3 saiatehas
1 Q1 saiatehas
Kahjumiga neid müüa väga ei tahaks seega leiaks mingi

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(AIM) Half way there

7 Day 1,516, 13:40 Published in Estonia Estonia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

We are half way there. We have managed to collect 20 gold out of 40 what is needed to create the party of AIM. I assure you our party is going to be good and active. I will personally quarante everyone who will join us, will get bonuses and later if

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eRepublik Bugs and Worries

12 Day 1,514, 00:46 Published in Estonia Estonia First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

I don't know if it's only me or everyone. I have been watching some things for a long time and tought about it.

First thing if I log in to eRepublik I will eat. It shows me 0 health right now... and I can eat 500. It sounds ok. But here what

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eEstonia / eEesti

7 Day 1,506, 13:40 Published in Estonia Estonia Battle orders Battle orders

We are starting to get back our land step by step. Right now we have managed to get back North eEstonia. Somehow we failed to get back North East eEstonia.
But now it's time to but our strenght together and fight free South eEstonia.

I payed

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New political party called AIM

18 Day 1,502, 14:21 Published in Estonia Estonia Political debates and analysis Political debates and analysis

Why an Anti Imperialist Movement?

There are many reasons:

- the war module promote only big countries
- admins promote only the war module without caring about the economy … read more »