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6 Day 590, 09:30 Published in Portugal Portugal

HOUSE Q1 - 6 gold!!!

Portugal Portugal KORG House 1
Icon-gold_bl5 27 min ago
Portugal Portugal Movable House 1
Icon-gold_bl5 27 min ago
Portugal Portugal A Escola Construction

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Thank you loyal allies in the Alliance PEACE!

4 Day 589, 04:21 Published in Mexico Mexico

Dear brothers and allies, with the help of your great victory for the win below.
Yesterday was released East Serbia, a few minutes and Raška.
Hungarians are broken Western Serbia, although the battle is not finished wall has grown to nearly half a

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Thank you loyal allies in the Alliance PEACE!

2 Day 589, 04:20 Published in Venezuela Venezuela

Dear brothers and allies, with the help of your great victory for the win below.
Yesterday was released East Serbia, a few minutes and Raška.
Hungarians are broken Western Serbia, although the battle is not finished wall has grown to nearly half a

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Thank you loyal allies in the Alliance PEACE!

3 Day 589, 04:19 Published in Portugal Portugal

Dear brothers and allies, with the help of your great victory for the win below.
Yesterday was released East Serbia, a few minutes and Raška.
Hungarians are broken Western Serbia, although the battle is not finished wall has grown to nearly half a

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Thank you loyal allies in the Alliance PEACE!

3 Day 589, 04:17 Published in Turkey Turkey

Dear brothers and allies, with the help of your great victory for the win below.
Yesterday was released East Serbia, a few minutes and Raška.
Hungarians are broken Western Serbia, although the battle is not finished wall has grown to nearly half a

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