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PaPPas for Party President (+ World Cup Prediction)

23 Day 936, 11:56 Published in Greece Greece

A picture is worth a thousand words

'Επειτα από το PTO που υπέστη το κόμμα ΜΟΥ (lol) Αλογάκια του Μ
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Treasure Map Stats (with raw data)

27 Day 933, 15:13 Published in USA USA

There has been great talk lately of Treasure Maps so I did some research on the 10% commission Society
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68 Day 926, 13:48 Published in Greece Greece">
1. Θα μπορώ να τον κρίνω χωρίς να σκέφτομαι αν θα του δημιουργήσω ψυχολογικά προβλήματα. Ακόμη και να βρίζω ξέρω πως ό,τι και να γίνει δεν θα κρατήσε
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14 Useless Facts About Che Greco

58 Day 920, 13:38 Published in Greece Greece">
1. I found eRepublik from an advertisment on a website. I was ready to exit my browser until I saw every region of Greece was annexed by Turkey. I sometimes wonder if
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How FAIL spills over from RL to eLife

80 Day 917, 13:59 Published in Greece Greece

As if RL Parliament hasn´t screwed up Greece enough we have a glorious eParliament to vote for failures:

20GRD/34GRD/1gold = 0,588 gold

Why give money to army to make
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