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Xtreme Anime Raiders - a Community in first place

0 Day 533, 08:24 Published in USA USA

After I noticed that the current trend is to form groups of armed citizens with above average skill users and stay up. I noticed their potential and together with my good friend marius eisenstein I founded a group armed Xtreme Anime Raiders

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Xtreme Anime Raiders - Veniti si va inscrieti orice Strenght ati avea

7 Day 533, 08:19 Published in Romania Romania

Dupa ce am observat ca tendinta actuala este sa se formeze grupuri armate de cetateni cu skill peste medie si useri noi raman balta. Eu am observat potentialul acestora si impreuna cu bunul meu prieten marius eisenstein am pus bazele unei grupari

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Xtreme Anime Raiders

6 Day 531, 11:19 Published in Denmark Denmark

Nakon sto su da primjetio lørdag sadašnji tendens je da formiraju oružane grupper građana s natprosječan korisnici vještinu u SU I studenom ostane. Lørdag Primijetio sin potencijale i zajedno sa mojim dobar prijatelj Marius Eisenstein lørdag osnovao

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Xtreme Anime Raiders

9 Day 531, 11:18 Published in Croatia Croatia

Nakon što sam primjetio da su sadašnji trend je da formiraju oružane grupe građana s natprosječan korisnici vještinu u studenom se i ostanite. Primijetio sam svoje potencijale i zajedno sa mojim dobar prijatelj Marius Eisenstein sam osnovao grupu

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Xtreme Anime Raiders

1 Day 531, 11:17 Published in Canada Canada

After I noticed that the current trend is to form groups of armed citizens with above average skill users in November and stay up. I noticed their potential and together with my good friend marius eisenstein I founded a group armed Xtreme Anime

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