Ambient on/off

Новости отечественного тракторостроения

16 Day 748, 13:52 Published in Russia Russia

И я тоже.

Если ничего не изменится, соберу манатки и свалю в Сербию в конце недели, отработав свои деньги.
Пресса уныла, политика уныла, даже война уныла до невозможности. Унылые

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Breaking news from North Korea

6 Day 738, 00:07 Published in Russia Russia

Объявляю нынешний созыв северокорейского конгресса пряничным!
Hereby I name current north korean congress the Gingerbread Congress!

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Gentlemen? Господа?

38 Day 717, 13:10 Published in Russia Russia

Один мой иностранный френд просил опубликовать это:
One my foreign friend asked me to publish that:

Could please anyone explain why Russian army fights against Russian allies in Slovakia?

Yeah, right, I've heard something about panslavic

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Уроки математики для конгрессменов

149 Day 715, 11:45 Published in Russia Russia

Note to foreign (mainly serbian) subscribers: this article is about russian internal issues but I promise there will be an intersting article soon.

[img][/img] … read more »

No worry guys

24 Day 713, 15:57 Published in Serbia Serbia

Hello, Serbs!
It's been a tough battle, Russia (and, I believe, whole PEACE) sent all the available troops (I ended the day with 36 wellness for example 😁 but it wasn't enough to beat the united E/F.

But no need to worry guys. You've got

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