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CNC Announces Official Candidate

9 Day 804, 03:33 Published in Canada Canada

CNC Announces Candidate for Prime Minister

Another month has begun, and with it another Prime Ministerial election is fast-approaching. For … read more »

CNC January Congress Team

7 Day 797, 03:13 Published in Canada Canada

Election day is upon us again, and the Canadian National Coalition has another exciting line-up of Congressional candidates. We're lean and mean, this term, because eCanadians deserve quality over quantity, in their Congressmen.

Canada, here is

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Official CNC Congressional Candidates.

7 Day 765, 22:37 Published in Canada Canada

Okay, here are your CNC candidates for congress this election.

Treian (Presentation)

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CNC Officially Backs Jacobi

12 Day 744, 03:42 Published in Canada Canada

December 5th fast approaches, and the eyes of the New World turn to the Presidential Elections. Citizens of all nations will have the opportunity to determine who will lead them into a new calendar year. Here in Canada, candidates began to

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CNC Presidential candidate vote

6 Day 739, 13:55 Published in Canada Canada

To all those who would like the CNC's backing in this upcomming election

Tonight the membership of the CNC will be holding a prelimanary vote on which candidate we want to endorse in the upcomming Dec.5th elections.

If you are … read more »