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十万火急 Defend eChina 保家卫国

2 Day 733, 08:27 Published in China China

eRussia attacked eChina today. Everyone please fight 5 times with q1 weapon to protect Inner Mongolia. Hold fire after that until further instruction from President Aliao. Enemies might attack us from other directions.


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OP(One Piece)党介绍

26 Day 731, 20:27 Published in China China


First I would apologize that there is only Chinese version of this article. This article aims to provide a brief history of our party to native players, telling them who we are, and why they should join us. I am really

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【OPP】11月议员选举报名帖 Enrol Running For Nov Congress

17 Day 729, 09:23 Published in China China

Congress Elections Nov 2009 and Recruit of Party Members

Our party China Lao-Wai Party has been renamed as One Piece Party after discussion with our party committee members. Currently our party has three missions: 1. Help English players to

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China Lao-Wai Party Committee (CLWP committee) 老外党领导团队

12 Day 707, 07:17 Published in China China

Dear Friends:

Sorry, I gotta leave for urgent matter.
I would like to appoint Zhuge Liang as vice party president. I'll pass this org account to Zhuge liang.
I also name the following people as committe members of the CLWP:
Zhuge Liang: Vice

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Official Newspaper of China Lao-Wai Party 老外党官方报纸

4 Day 707, 04:27 Published in China China

This is official newspaper of China Lao-Wai Party. Party member please subscribe and add 'China Lai-Wai Party' as friend. Sorry for the typo when I created this org account.

这是老外党的官方报纸。请党员订阅。并加'China Lai-Wai Party'为好友。在填写组织名字的时候我手滑了一下,写了Lai-Wai。真是

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