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eIsrael at a Glance

9 Day 919, 20:25 Published in Israel Israel

Thanks to the lovely services provided by ereptools I would like to Present you some troubling data about Israel.

17 days ago we had a population of 1722 People Now it stands at 1476 and dropping. W eve lost at least 300 people in less then a

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Thank You Israel

8 Day 918, 12:28 Published in Israel Israel

Thank you Israel for electing me to serve another term on the Knesset I promise I wont let you down.

In other news lets have a political update:

Consolidation Party
Consolidation Party
Consolidation Party

The Consolidation Party proved

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0 Day 916, 17:58 Published in Israel Israel

Hello everyone. Most of you probably know me My name is Gavin and Im an active member of eIsraeli Society.

The People of Israel previously elected me to be there Knesset Member in Beersheba. I was liked so much I got 3rd most votes for any KM in

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Why Palestine Shouldnt Be Added

22 Day 915, 07:26 Published in Israel Israel

There has been a lot of arguments over a recent Article that sayed Israel should not be in the game or at least not with the borders it has now but instead be replaced by a nation known as "Palestine"

The author of the Article wanted

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Q and A for Congressional/Knesset Candidate - Gavin

3 Day 913, 17:01 Published in Israel Israel

Hello everyone as part of my Run for Knesset Reelection I am opening up this Article to the Israeli Public to ask me questions on any number of different issues affecting Israeli Society Today. I hope by doing this you all get a clear idea of my

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