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1 Day 609, 05:31 Published in Australia Australia

Dear Citizens,

Wondering what is happening in eAustralia lately?
Well just see below for the latest:

- We have just recovered South Australia, a big thanks to the Dept of defence for all they did to achieve this.
- Wondering why we are have

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A note from the Prime Minister...

7 Day 602, 00:55 Published in Australia Australia

Hi Citizens,

What a busy week!
I was thinking it might take afew days to settle into this role... HA! as if...
Within 3-4hrs the messages from foreign officials started flowing. Then the requests for interviews from foreign newspapers.

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Thank you to ALL!!!

11 Day 594, 16:01 Published in Australia Australia

Greetings eAustralia!

I consider it an Honour to be voted in to this position!
I will be doing all in my power to serve our fine nation and see her move forwards...
I look forward to working with my team to achieve all that is set in front of

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Aussie Vegeta's Team

10 Day 592, 17:55 Published in Australia Australia

This will be my final thoughts before we take to the polling booth's within the next 8 hours.
This article is a follow up to the roles that I outlined last night, where I want to introduce you to the team that I have carefully chosen to assist me

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Aussie Vegeta describes Cabinet roles

6 Day 592, 06:35 Published in Australia Australia

The greatest asset our country has is the hard working citizens who make her up, and my leadership style is to release trusted people to manage and achieve goals in the way that they see as the best way possible. Some of the ways that I would like

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