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Nowruz - Republished - Edited

54 Day 4,503, 14:48 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Today is Nowruz (literally "new day") the first day of spring and vernal equinox. Beginning of spring is celebrated in Iran and many other … read more »

تشنه عشق - رویدادی به مناسبت والنتاین

25 Day 4,469, 03:26 Published in Iran Iran First steps in eRepublik First steps in eRepublik

اول از همه روز والنتاین رو به دوستان تبریک می گم.
Happy Valentine!
اما بعد.
به مناسبت روز والنتاین مدیران ارپابلیک یک طرح جدید دادند که ملت رو تشویق به جنگ بیشتر و گرفتن پرستیژ و ... بالاتر می کند.


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Plato We want no restrictions!!!

29 Day 4,445, 11:49 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have one question and that is why can't we have a free media here? Why do you delete articles you don't like?
I think it is not moral at all that you DECIDE for us that what we write!

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Merry Christmas

19 Day 4,417, 22:29 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

European languages
Albanian: Gëzuar Krishtlindja
Aragonese: Feliz nadal
Armenian: շնորհավոր Սուրբ Ծնունդ (šnorhavor Surb Cnund)
Asturian: Feliz navidá
Azerbaijani: Xoşbəxt milad
Basque: … read more »

Animals on Instagram

39 Day 4,388, 13:24 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

I have always loved animals. Think if they were not on this planet! It would have been a very less beautiful world. Every animal is necessary for the whole nature and so for human beings.

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