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Currency Converter

21 Day 4,643, 11:43 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

US Dollar is the most powerful currency in the world. But you may find it interesting if you know the value of other currencies. Usually all currencies are compared with US Dollar.
There are some … read more »

Good day good people

14 Day 4,627, 22:42 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

[img][/[/img] … read more »

Charity works

24 Day 4,625, 03:29 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

His name was Emad. He was an environment activist and served environment for free in many years.
He was living in Karaj, Iran.
4 months ago he passed away because of a … read more »

2 pieces of advice

19 Day 4,622, 00:19 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

Always take care of poor people.

Freedom is the most important thing in a society. Appreciate freedom.

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Some Black Men And Boys Killed By Police

26 Day 4,588, 02:28 Published in Iran Iran Social interactions and entertainment Social interactions and entertainment

[img][/img] … read more »