Your New Source for Culture and Events!

Day 782, 23:06 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

I'm so happy at the re-opening of the office that I used my own gold to pay for this fireworks display to celebrate it! Sorry for disturbing everyone in the area at 3AM...

All articles and notices regarding culture and events will now be published from the organization Japanese Holiday Association, which can be found here:

You can't really see it all that well because I was unable to get around to take a picture of the front, but isn't this a great view?

This organization was used in the past many months ago to run festivals and events, but fell into disrepair during WW3. I, Ember Firespiral, your current Minister of Culture and Events, have taken up the long and arduous task of fixing it up and making it a suitable office once more. I have worked hard, and my efforts have paid off. From now on, my office, and that of all future Ministers of Culture and Events, will be located there. Shortly, our first article will be printed and distributed from this office.

This is what it looked like earlier this year before it became unused. I bet you didn't even know we had a place like this in the heart of the downtown of the capital, did you? ~.^

This is my workspace. It's a very peaceful place where I can sit and focus entirely on my work! Why is there no evidence of any work going on in the picture? Well, uh, you see... My laptop! Everything I need is on my laptop, and I had already packed it up and put it in the car, getting ready to leave when I remembered I needed to snap a picture... yeah... that's it...