Your country needs you!!

Day 96, 05:38 Published in United Kingdom Belgium by shadowukcs

My dear fellow citizens,

Our economy is not doing bad, in fact our economy is doing great. We can consider our selves as, both military and economical, a superpower in E-republik.

But we can do better. At the moment UK companies aren't doing to well. I'm not only speaking for myself, but I heard this from other GM's as well. The reason for this is simple, there is to much offer on the market. This is partly caused by foreign companies that are trying to take over our market by offering cheap products.
(they are not the only problem, but a large part of it, and all bits help)

That is why I ask to you all: When you go to the market, there is a square bellow "filters". Standard the market screen shows all UK products and import products. Disable "import" products and do your country a huge favour. Stop buying foreign products and help our economy grow even more. We need your help to become nr1.

The second point that I want to point out is one with a little commercial message in it since I will be talking about the weapons industry (and I have a weapons company) but this is merely done to make ppl aware of something. And that something is: war

As many of you know: on the 28th of March, the war module will be implanted. This will mean that suddenly everyone will need a gun. Now at the moment weapons prices are at there lowest. And weapons GM's are selling guns with a loss. When you know something about the basics of economics, you also know that when the demand rises, the price rises as well. So expect weapon prices of 14-18GBP for a Q2 weapon by march. By this I merely want to inform the public that buying a weapons now (while the price is still 7.50GBP) would not be such a bad idea.

As for my third point I would like to ask everyone to invite as many ppl as possible. we need more population. If you know someone and you think he might be interested in E-republik, send him a invite. I still have invites as well if you don't have any left. Just send me a PM.

And as last I will publish the link to a article I previously posted that contains allot of useful links for new members: If you are a new member, make sure you read that article since it can help you allot.

Kind regards
director of S-group
UK Reform Party Chairman

P.S.: don't forget to subscribe on my newspaper

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