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Day 2,980, 15:11 Published in USA Czech Republic by Sandy Shores


eUS and eRepublik citizens. I am Sandy Shores. Just call me Sandy for short. I am a new member to eRepublik. I was invited to this game by Brinnin II. I would like to thank Brinnin II for all of his advice and aid.

Yes, I know that this article seems a bit rushed and thrown together and I promise you the articles to follow will be properly arranged.

Moving Along, I would like to shortly speak about the We The People Party. I am a member of the party and has been one for more than a week. I left the party and joined the Socialist Freedom party for one day then re-joined the We The People Party. I really don't know why those crazy shifts of mind changes happened. But what can I say I am a woman and we change our minds constantly. The We The People Party is very organized. Whether it be through elections or the general set up of the party. I am coming along to love the We the People Party.

Yes, I'm new! Yes, I'm practically struggling with keeping interests in this game but I am learning that it doesn't matter how complicated it gets there is just about an answer to every sing situation.

Brinnin II, has helped me beyond the threshold of limits. He has put up with my ignorance to the in-game mechanics and yet tolerates it. And with that I would like to acknowledge him; for he is the reason this article is being published. Through the media of this game your voice can be heard, right?

I have also just joined the eUSA forums and am trying to stay as active as I can within that as well. I have read the laws and a lot of other stuff. I mean I've tried to do a lot of research on what has been going on in the eUSA.

I would also like to bid the United States Armed Forces a farewell. It was a nice 8 days of being a member of your Military Unit. I may return if doors don't open else where.Or if I can't make up my mind in the near future. 🙂

In closure, how do you like my first article? 1) Hate It! 2)Somewhat Like It! 3)Love It!

With Love,
Sandy Shores