Xtreme Anime Raiders

Day 533, 09:58 Published in Ireland Romania by konnarcis2

After I noticed that the current trend is to form groups of armed citizens with above average skill users and stay up. I noticed their potential and together with my good friend marius eisenstein I founded a group armed Xtreme Anime Raiders specifically for new users.

Requirements for integration within the group:
- Level 6 at least
- Strength does not matter
- Skill does not matter

What next to do in groups:
- Will work in the firms X.A.R
- Where you will fight will be ordered

you receive in return:
- Friends for life
- Q1 weapons - between 3 - 6 depending on the skill
- Arms q2
- Help with case
- Salary ... depending on skill

Given that there are many anime fans in the game ..... erepublik ii're welcome in this organization where animation has a place of honor. Let's take the example of Spanish and to join the only organization intro.

Leave comment with skill and consideration and Strength enrolled.

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