wulkan pali baby - volcano is burning crones - translation

Day 294, 01:56 Published in Sweden Poland by Miles Teg

volcano is burning crones.
we do remember - 4 PM

Bomb in Cake invariably inspires. as cheap wine drunk in bushes by punk Adam bard, whose voice makes Doctor weep from horrible eyes

Doctor sits behind his desk, dunking extincted dodos bird plume in pitchy inkstand and starches plan.
folds letter, affix a seal ring stamping in bonding letter roasted crude pus.

did I tell already that Satan has dermatosis? Rurokura whispers - "Satan loses his fur because of news about ANALYSIS. Does not drink coffee now. stress made dryness in his throat. Doctor accomplished IT, the Internet is full of panic. He won't force IT back. Won't do it"

We're cycling through the streets full garbage and Beasts fur. Grey sky is hiding all the colors. dust just drops. we are carring ANALISIS. where? we'll find the target. Doctor waving to us with his hand from the hill. We do remember. 4PM.

He made for us accurate charts, we've been doing notes, each of us was learning fast. there is no pure thoughts.

The awakening came painlessiy. Doctor sits on the pile of dead corpses. despatching with pleasure delicious vegan sandwich. We are dancing joyfully among burning people, impresses us - he has something in his own right.
Doctor's raising volcano in the middle of the city. It devours crones, burns them. Whirl of Devils flock is rolling through the street like bushes in the western movies while duels come to happen. v1 turbovirus? wonders to me.

Travelling toward the sea we're going through following towns. Decay and stench on the streets, or absolute dryness. We came to the metropolis, it seemed to be like all people get siesta, for the moment, nextly we came to the river and then appeared that citizens tame on the the river. With their swollen up dead bodies.
ANALYSIS. You can't force it back.

They were also shrewd and lucky ones virus immune, they were hiding in the corners, mainly in Pentagon. Doctor ordered to leave them alone, but the Owls Partner ...
Later we were robbing their appartments.
Bomb in Cake. Rules terribly.

When it was no longer anything but the beauty of wild nature in the range of vision, we breathed joyfully with full chest taking in much dust in the lungs. Serves us. Shoot down the universe!

Shoot down universe!

Stench. Silent Stench. We're eating Stench. Hence let's scram from here.

Fishwomen were running.


Curious our turbowirus. V1. ANALYSIS. You can't force IT back..
You can't..
Doctor promises us eternal vacation.
We have purpose to toast for it. We do.
Anarchy 666 fulfills.
Doctor Prophet.

this is our native Polish folklore poetry related to erepublik SO DONT LET THEM LEAD YOU ASTRAY DEAR ADMINS.

there is about V1 - we Poles are seeing it through that way.
best regards


If you have similar items tworczosci own or interesting sights zamieszczeia - someone else, you, my dear zachecam to create their own poetry tomikow to uwieczniac these doniosle moments przyplywajacej weny.
ew zamieszczajcie them in the comments.

I greet you Ciule and especially you zocky little kapusiu.