WTH is going on in here?! did admins pass Geography exams?

Day 608, 03:19 Published in Iran Iran by Silver Viper
To the people of Iran, and the people of all the Eworld...

Today we saw a terrible mistake by admins that made people of Iran (including me) damn too angry! They changed some of our regions names... You may ask why it is bad if the new names exist. the bad thing is THE NAME OF OUR CAPITAL REGION IS NOT OUR CAPITAL REGION!

FYI capital of Iran is in the region of Tehran and exactly is the city of Tehran! This city is our capital for almost 200+ years and now what?! They changed our capital region's name to Azerbaijan!!!

This region is a part of Iran but it is not our CAPITAL for God's sake!

Now i, representing the people of EIran, firmly ask admins to change the name back to NorthWest Region or make another provience in exact place of Tehran region and name it Tehran for being the Capital of Iran.

This is a big mistake that must never happens to any country across the world... so sign here please.


With great anger, Silver Viper.