Write to Your Congressional Representative Today

Day 1,009, 14:08 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

Good evening Ireland,

I write this article today to remind all citizens and Teachtaí Dála alike of a concept that is so basic to the concept to congressional elections as butter is to bread and voting and subscribing is to this newspaper.


The reason that a Congressional body is established is to save people the chore of voting and to streamline the process, for to have millions of individuals debating over a single topic would be extremely inefficient and would destroy a nation.

Instead, citizens choose an individual (or individuals) who they believe have their own, that is the person's, best interest in mind and shares a same political viewpoint.

The congressional voting procedure in eRepublik doesn't work like that, though. It's more akin to a popularity contest where you nominate your best friend to receive a treasure map and a shiny medal. The text next to the link for Congression elections on the main page even says, "Congress election day. Vote for your favorite!" Currently, about a third of all congressional candidates don't even have an account on the forums, another third are complete newbs, while another third consistently active in the Dail.

Another prominent part of the traditional congress is representation of regions and working to benefit people in the regions you represent. However in eRepublik with a hop, skip, and a jump, individuals can move to any region inside their country. There are no permanent homes that one is restricted to or any other effects save Congressional elections that living in any one particular region provides. (can you say strategic voting?) This makes this aspect unfortunately totally irrelevant so you might as well forget this paragraph.

I myself am unhappy with this trend and would like to bring some change to Ireland. Therefore, I encourage all citizens of Ireland to write to whoever you vote for this election with any concerns. Do you think taxes are too low or too high? Are you so unsatisfied with the current administration that wish the president impeached? Please, write to YOUR congressional representative, tell them to get their asses on the forums, do their job, and represent you.

While I cannot guarantee the responses of any other candidates, I personally promise to answer any of your questions and if your concern is shared by others voice your opinion to the Dail. [Disclaimer: I reserve the right for shameless self promotion.]

Moving tickets and drinks are on the house!


Eire Abu