Write a thanks article? I'd rather crush my own test.... *Ahem*

Day 761, 17:55 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator


I'm not a Irish citizen at the moment so im not eligible for the prize for writing a thank you article. Despite this, I find writing articles writing quite fun so I thought I would start off with a fable I made up.

A old man was once told to collate a list of people he should thank in his by his daughter.
So he sat down and started a list of who he should thank.
Halfway throught the list, his daughter stop him and said &quot😉ad I thought you hated that person, he got you fired from your job?"
The old man replied "Yes, but I would still like to thank him."
The daughter looked puzzled, she then asked "Why would you like to thank him,?"
The old man smiled "Well without him getting me fired, I never would of been able to go on to better things and accomplish more in my life."

The moral is : It's not just the people who have been good to you, you should mention. The people who have been bad to you have changed you too.

The people I want to thank


Now this guy is one hell of a unsung hero. When he was in Ireland (he sadly has left us now) he was the person who would help you in anyway you could think, be it money or information, without asking for anything. Before the ministry of New Citizens was made he was the person who welcomed the new citizens in Ireland. Because of this Gordon was my mentor and has always been here for me since whenever i needed it. I know for sure if you didn't message me back when i first joined Gordo I wouldn't be here now!

Thank you Gordon, you have brought me to where I am now!


Shock, Horror it's Padraig 😮

Yes I am thanking him. He may have got me permentaly banned but that was the kick up the arse I needed. Without getting banned I would still be the same person I was back then. The ban gave me a chance to reinvent myself and that is how I got here today. Even though I was bitter when it happened I'm glad you did it Padraig. Although this does not mean I think your actions of stealing things and the sort are good...

Thank you Padraig, you made me reinvent myself which has helped me achieve


I only told mav recently the impact he has had on me. He is the main reason I write articles. When I first read his articles I was blown away, they are just amazing, nothing in Ireland could compare to them (check out his newspaper) I saw them and thought to myself "I want to do that." His articles spurred me on to get a International Article and to write a lot. I can safely say he put the joy of writing into me.

Thank you Maverick, you have helped me achieve a international article and enjoy writing.


Declan, (he is dying now 🙁 ) in his day inspired me politically. I remember this article was what inspired me politically. I can safely say he singlehandly brought me forward from the dark and I became a member of Fianna Fail. After a lot of failing despite the efforts of myself, bunnieman and Anton Sidequest I finally founded Saoirse as a new and fresh political alternative with Clownprince37. Saoirse has grown from being 7th to 4th in the members of political parties.

Thank you Declan, you helped me to gain the courage to start a new party and help grow.

There are many others who i should mention and one day, more likely when I quit, I will write about you all.

Thank you for reading,

Niall H
Founder of Saoirse
Writer of "A different point"
Cleric of ~hyuu~
Ex-Ambassador to eFinland and eMexico
Ex-MoFA of Ireland