Wow Aeroner

Day 939, 16:44 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

So you have an article entitled Who the F cares yet the whole article is about this conflict.

Again you bring up our numbers and again I will tell you you dont know anything about whats going on in UZP and our members are active. So stop saying that because the whole point of my previous article if you even read it was to stop people from saying our members arent active or as good as your members. Before I wrote my article you guys where bashing our party for no reason. Continue to do so and continue to make us look better.

Weve been helping countless of our players get adjusted to the games with bilingual assistance programs. Even spending money on gifts and tickets to move them to Beersheeba.

STOP UNDERMINING OUT EFFORTS We are responsible for the membership boost. Me Matan e70md and many others have been sending out 100's of messages in Hebrew and English to get people to join and sign up at our forums. We organized a massive recruitment effort and through our hard work got the numbers we have today not because we are the largest party. SO STOP UNDERMINING OUR EFFORTS AND GET YOUR OWN PARTY SET UP.

Yes many are new. We utilized the babyboom and thats why we are feared. Not my probelm its your problem. We are helping these ne players so they can be the the next generation of "Aeroners"

All your accusations of our party being made up of inactive people is baseless.

Just because we came up with the money quickly to remake our party and got organized is no reason for you guys to be mad.

Youve also been very hypocritical, why is it okay for you to bash our party in almost any article written or on IRC but as soon as we say anything about you party its &quot😉ONT GO THERE WE WHERE HERE WAYYYYY LONGER THEN YOU"

Its basically okay for you guys to cheap shot us at every turn but we arent allowed to defend ourselves.

Continue to bash us but we arent going anywhere.

Best of luck to the future Lantern Society.

Truly yours,