Worldwide lottery

Day 698, 10:38 Published in Austria South Africa by Calew

Next weekend I'll be starting a lottery where anyone can play, no matter your nationality. There's only one thing I need to sort out first; what kind of lottery it should be. Therefore I will have a poll where you can vote on what sort of lottery it should be. Here are the candidates:

A. Regular lottery - Each players buys a certain number of tickets, each ticket represents a number. Then one of the bought number is picked on random and the winner takes all.

B. Jackpot - Each player picks 5 numbers between 1 and 10. 3 rights=a small part of the pot, 4 rights=a big part of the pot and 5 rights=the whole pot. If there is money without a winner the money is transfered to the next pot.

C. Special - This one is hard to explain briefly, but I'll try. The game is played as matches, 1vs1. Each player has got 3 soldiers with different skills. Soldier 1>Soldier 2, Soldier 2>Soldier 3 and Soldier 3>Soldier 1. The players will place these soldiers on track 1-4 and depending on where they are placed the players will get different amount of points. I know it might seem complicated but if this option is picked there will be a more detailed introduction.

Write A, B or C to place your vote. Organizations aren't allowed to vote. The votes will be counted on Friday and on Saturday the lottery will start.
If you are interested in playing the lottey you should subscribe to the newpaper to make sure that you don't miss it. This article will be published all over the world, but the other will only be published in USA.

We are looking for sponsors to donate prizes. If you are interested send me a pm and we'll discuss it. Sponsors can get their names mentioned, a link or maybe a small text written by them published in the start of our articles.