World War reaches another height

Day 540, 11:05 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

I thought I'd write an article about what's going on beyond our borders. Enjoy!🙂


Day 540 and 541 will surely go into the history books of the eWorld as two of the most important days ever. It has been in the air for some time, especially the Indonesian attack on West Siberian Region (WSR), the most important region in the game thanks to its abundant natural resources, still the concerted attacks of PEACE probably caught many by surprise.

Not long ago Romania's Asian campaign was barely stopped on the doorsteps of Karnataka, Indonesia's only high iron region thanks to the continuous blockade provided by Russia and China but since then the world has turned around 180 degrees. One of the main reasons behind this sudden turn of events was that by some clever moves Hungary could open a second front against Romania (and Poland) on Ukrainian soil. In the past couple of days on the Asian front Romania was pushed out first from India then from China as well, while Pakistan, their puppet state was banished from the map. Meanwhile in Eastern Europe Hungary occupied Poland's two Ukrainian regions, liberated them for tactical reasons (to avoid blockade by Poland) and then moved on against Romania's possessions with varying success but carefully avoiding Podolia where most of Romania's iron industry is concentrated. Lately Indonesia has run out of Romanian regions to attack except for WSR, so the tension was definitely building up.

Today many Romanians wasted their fight in the irrelevant battle for Zaporozhia and some more in a resistance war in the Urals Region and the leadership of PEACE must have seen this as a great chance for delivering a shocking punch for the Romanian empire. The final phase of the campaign started with an unexpected attack. Instead of just resorting to diversion battles Hungary decided to frontally assault the extremely well defended Podolia. Two hours later it was Indonesia's turn and the long awaited assault of West Siberian Region has started, too. Since then several resistance wars and other battles were opened on all sides with the single aim to distract the less knowledgeable citizens.

But the future of Romania (and to a lesser extent the future of Indonesia and Hungary) will depend on the outcome of these two mighty battles:
- Podolia
- West Siberian Region

The world's most powerful armies have amassed in front of and behind the two huge walls guarding the two most precious gems of Romania. Let's sit back, grab a beer or some popcorn and enjoy the clash of the titans!🙂