World War Daily Events: Day 7

Day 608, 11:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by Conor Forde

Woo! Finally some changes! Last night a lot of things happened so it’s going to be fairly hard to cover everything here and have it make sense (I guess I got my wish). . .

Most of the battles and events were co-ordinated by USA and Canada to mess up the timing of the assaults against them, as seeing a battle through just was not working for them. It definitely has thrown the French and Russians so far so things just got interesting.


Canada attacked Washington and Alaska which were both owned by Russia. This resulted in a retreat a few hours later by the Russians in order for them to launch further assaults, which included an immediate resistance in Alaska.

France attacked Quebec a few hours after the loss of Manitoba

Canada also started a resistance in Prince Edward Island against the French.


Canada surrendered Manitoba to France.
USA took a shot at Manitoba straight away which was surrendered once more to USA with a resistance starting immediately for the French. This resistance failed against USA but a few hours later a second resistance war has begun which is yet to finish.


Russia conquered Idaho. Russia attacked Utah and Oregon straight away via Idaho but a resistance in Idaho was quickly started by the Americans soon after it was captured.


In politics not much has happened except the obvious co-operation between eUSA and eCanada over the past day which has not been too apparent apart from talking previously.

Personal notes:

Im currently hoping to have my weekly review up by the end of the day but article took longer than expected so we shall have to see. in the meantime vote some of my other articles up if you havent already 🙂

Also please have a look at my manefesto and feel free to poke holes and ask questions!

Finally, I'm going to give mention to this article as returning the favour!