World War Daily Events: Day 6

Day 607, 10:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Conor Forde

Today has been fairly quite if you compare it to the rest of the past week. Finally the USA/Canadian side of the war have halted losses on both sides against France and Russia (it was starting to get boring 😛). In the line of politics, things are fairly quiet as the Congressional elections draw nearer, and precautions to prevent CTO's are being put into place.

Day 607



Finally France have lost their first battlefor another region from the canadians in the form of New Brunswick.Once this region was secured by the canadiansthe French took the battle in another direction and have moved on to take control of Manitoba

On the upside Canada have FINALLY suceeded in retrieving one of their lost regions today (about time aswell).


A similar story in eUSA as the Russians have failed to capture Montana but decided to move straight onto Idaho. Washington does really seem like the last bottleneck for the Americans.



The US is gearing up to prevent any potential CTO's against the allies they have left who are still willing to fight for them. This is evident in the evident fear of the threath in North Korea

Wow im bored. . .

Imo this war is starting to get boring. It the same stuff every day now. Russia and France attack. Canada and USA lose (well until today but its still only these two combatants repeatidly). Somebody needs to change this monotomy tbh either Spain should attack France or UK backstabs someone. . . At least today Canada took back a region from France so it aint all bad.

Today has been a quiet day so much ill probably be posting my weekly review early to fill the void. . . .