World War 3 Goes into 6th Gear, Austria Attacks Italy

Day 501, 18:28 Published in USA USA by Alex Lawrence

“It turns out that an eerie type of chaos can lurk just behind a facade of order - and yet, deep inside the chaos lurks an even eerier type of order.”
Douglas Hostadter

Good Evening

Tonight, we cover the uptick in conflict across the world.

Main Article

Two days ago, The New Frontiersman covered Romania's quick expansionary moves across the world, and yesterday, about PEACE's counterattacks against Romania. Today, both sides launched strong assaults on each other, with a few third party elements mixed into the fray.

Rebel forces began today's fighting by organizing a RW in Hainan, Pakistan, looking to tie up forces in Pakistan, a Romanian controlled puppet state. Some speculate it was a move by PEACE, while others think it is the increasingly aggressive Chinese who are attempting to take back their original territories. Romania in the meantime finished up their battle with Iran in Qinghai, which they conquered. 3 hours after this brief episode of activities came the the main storm for today's fighting.

Poland moved on Northern Hungary, then a Romanian territory, reclaiming the territory they had given to Romania yesterday and to prevent a Hungarian victory (they had attacked NH yesterday). Pakistan was then tapped by Romania to join the fight out west and relieve the Romanians in Sichuan, leading up to a series of attacks on Romanian territory, to which the Romanians relented, starting in Guangxi and ending in Sichuan. Once Pakistan arrived in Sichuan, however, Indonesia immediately renewed the siege for the region, attacking Sichuan again. Hungary renewed their siege for Northern Hungary as well, now attacking the Poles instead of the Romanians. Indonesia also ordered Ukraine, controlled by them, to attack Galicia again, tying up some Romanian troops.

Around 12 hours after all this maneuvering, Central Europe exploded as Austria declared war on Italy. To many this seemed to be a shock, seeing as how both countries are closely tied in the PEACE network. Accusations are still floating about, but what seems to have happened is that the Austrian leadership's true loyalties lay with the "grand plan" so to speak of PEACE. Austria will be divided up mainly between Italy and Hungary, to increase the power of both of these nations. A bunch of weaker nations is not as favorable as a couple stronger ones, it seems.

Meanwhile, on the political front, TOs and treaties were rampant today, as Ireland uncharacteristically allied itself with the United Kingdom and Portugal allied with Russia. The President of Norway, KristofferAG, was impeached as a result of a PEACE TO (orchestrated by Hungary) in the Norwegian congress, seeing Norway as a major threat after Norway's retreat and attack dance with Romania yesterday. Nevertheless, Norway's military was able to keep West Siberia in ATLANTIS hands. In response, heivoll, the Norwegian Minister of Public Relations, called on ATLANTIS member nations, specifically the United States, to "move to any Norwegian region on the 5th of april and vote for Cirno [for president]." This would greatly help Norway stay friendly to ATLANTIS; otherwise, Norway could be looking at a TO forced exile from ATLANTIS.

In Other News

The third Baja war games have ended for the US. America's Army is now plump with burritos.

Moldavia's President, Pan Halippa, has put forth the idea of Moldavia and Romania uniting, which has been greeted by both sides as a positive step forward.

DanielB1989, President of the Netherlands, has announced that Belgium and the Netherlands will also form a union to protect both countries from TOs and invasion.

Calls for a third alliance aside from PEACE and ATLANTIS are somewhat common, but darkplayer82 has formally issued a call for such an alliance's formation. Switzerland wants a toy too, it seems 😛

BREAKING NEWS EDIT: The South Korean government is voting to transfer its treasury to a private organization (Origin Corp). They plan on removing all government money because they fear that they will lose the presidential elections tomorrow.
--Credit to drgumbofunk for the alert.

That's all the news we have for today. Thanks for reading. Be sure to vote, comment and subscribe! Ad space is available, PM me for details.

I have decided that the paper will travel the world on a regular basis. The paper will always be printed in the US and Romania, but a third nation will be chosen as it pleases me, and change every issue. I hope this helps spread the word 😃