World Leaders Interview

Day 560, 20:19 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

I have recently conducted Interviews with Presidents, Prime Ministers, and Leaders from many nations around the globe that I thought could be important in regards to diplomatic relations with Israel and to test the temp's on how the administration has been doing in regards to diplomatic converse with all nations.

Here was the interview questions

Greetings, Justin Moore from the IWP party of Israel. I am also the chief editor of the local newspaper Thoughts and Views.
To cut to the chase, this is an interview request for you as a leader of the nation.

1. What is your general view of your nation’s diplomatic relations with the current leadership of Israel?

These questions are being asked so that the general taxpayer and public of Israel will be able to understand from another nation’s point of view how these nations feel about our growing country. It is okay to be candid and speak your mind; we will respect you either way.

An article will be posted in thoughts and views next edition and we will mail you a link to view the article. This interview has gone to 10 nations leaders around the world, your humble opinion will be appreciated much.

Thank you for your time dear leader


Here is the responses from the various leaders around the world, some of them odd.


Well to be honest there hasn't been any contact with Israel in any official or unofficial capacity. Can't really form an opinion. -Snayke ( ALARMING)


We have good relations with with your current leadership. We recognise and support eIsraels right to liberate it's remaining regions and will help with this if we can.- Saradroz

Italian Leadership

In this moment, there isn't a good relations between our states. I hope that in future we can speak about it. Now it is important to build relationship and diplomacy in our nations. Nice to meet you!
Best regards, Antimo.

Bulgarian Leadership

I will be short because I am not so active lately 🙂
I know your current president long before Israel gain its independence again and we have always been in good relations. No matter that our countries belonged to different alliances in the past (since now Atlantis is more like a ghost) we had discussed the world order and events very often and in the good name of friendship and understanding. My position towards Israel is always positive as to any other country that has not become hostile to eBulgaria or direct enemy of our alliance.
My people are sympathizing freedom and free will and think that every country and/or human deserve them 🙂
Best regards
President of eBulgaria

President on Australia

I am sympathetic towards Israel as I understand how it was like to be without a home (Australia was only liberated in November). I genuinely wish you and your country the best of luck in making Israel great.

These are the responses we have recieved back thus far, Most of them good with the exception of the Italian and Chinas response, China's response is alarming that we have initiated no direct dialogue with them at all. I will be interested to hear as to why, Im sure it will be good. I would also be interested to hear our leaderships view on our relationship with Italy and why it may be faltering as a whole, I have my own ideas but will be silent at this time.

The bulgarians and the UK and the president of Australia are all positive responses that are much appreciated.

I am awaiting the letters to come back in from the other countries and they will be added as we recieve them

Justin Moore
Thoughts and Views