World in Flames: Day 953 - Moderator account gets hacked, Insanity in the UK

Day 953, 22:09 Published in USA USA by Cecil Knight

Introducing Knight News: World in Flames - 12th edition
See World in Flames in Chinese!

I've spoken briefly with Mainegreen, and he's given me permission to use his symbol list. I figure it makes the maps a little easier to look at to know what's going on. Here's the symbol map with a few changes I like.

Important Battles of the Past Few Days
Between 12 hour work days and moving, I really don't have any time to dedicate to my paper like I should, but I can release this small edition today. Don't worry. As soon as things calm down I'll writing articles with my usual attention to detail and frequency.
On an amusing side note, it seems someone naughty has gained access to an admin/moderator account on erepublik, and has banned just about every major US political figure, including several ex presidents. America isn't the only country to have fared in such a way, with accounts of well known players all across the world banned, including the admin himself.

Here's a great poem about it.

Craziness breaks out in the United Kingdom as Poland tries to get to North America

As per one of my saner prediction several weeks ago (it's a good article, far better than this one!. Specifically look at prediction #2). Poland has made an arrangement with the US and Canada to rent several regions,

I believe Canada high regions of the following 2 regions of diamond/titanium, 6 wood, and 3 grain.
The US has high regions of the following; 6 grain, 3 wood, 6 oil.

In any case, what was supposed to be a day long affair at most has turned into an almost week long mess of epic proportions for EDEN, and seems to have no end in sight. I won't pretend to try and follow along all the exact battles that have gone on, but there are plenty of other articles out there that make some strong guesses. A combination of bugs, delays, probably some mistakes, and the odd rules for initiative in eRepublik have stalled Poland's attempts to establish a permanent presence in the North America.

So far on the EDEN friendly side we have the United States, Ireland, Poland, Canada, and Sweden who have taken part directly in battles, while on the Phoenix side the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have fought. I imagine several other countries have worked in initiative blocking measures further from the British Isles as well.

Poland finally got past the British blockade and with Ireland have made it into the United States. An article from the US president here outlines the terms of the leased regions. I have heard some people say that Canada is not lending any regions, although I'm not sure if this is true, as Canada did take part in the land swaps, ceding Newfoundland to Ireland at one point.

Cecil Knight - Not dead yet.