World in Flames: Day 917 - Liaoning

Day 917, 07:27 Published in USA USA by Cecil Knight

Introducing Knight News: World in Flames - 2nd edition
Hello everyone. I've been playing eRepublik for some time, and I've finally decided to get down and write myself a newspaper that I hope you all find useful. One of my favorite features things about eRepublik is battles and trying to figure out the underlying strategy involved by EDEN, Phoenix, and the presidents of each individual country. I think I've gained enough experience to actually be able to share my analysis without getting laughed at 🙂. I'll say it here: I am human, I don't have inner access to the inner workings of either alliance, so I could be wrong. Anyway the disclaimer is over.

Aftereffects of the Day 916-917 battle of Liaoning

As I'm sure most of my audience knows, The battle of Liaonong the previous day is the new record holder for most damage for a single battle. Thanks to Lana this isn't entirely uncommon, but what is unusual here is the degree by which it passed up the previous record holder of Central Hungary. The battle of Lianong had slightly less than 17.5 million damage from each side, more than 11 million damage than the #2 battle. No other battle has spread greater than 2 million between it and the below it. I noticed multiple articles in countries all over the world encouraging citizens to move to Serbia or the USA to fight. Some countries even ran out of tickets on their market, and emergency programs were launched to supply extra tickets.

Important Battles of Day 918
Russia attacks Jilin, Inner Mongolia; China and Shandong, Henan; USA

Jilin Started Day 917 14:15
Shandong Started Day 917 15:03
Inner Mongolia Started Day 918 09:50
Henan Started Day 918 15:06

With Russia opening a new battle against China today, it is quite likely they will be content initiative locking China and their 10MPP list for the foreseeable future. If they didn't China would likely attack Russia's colonies in North and South Korea, crushing any resistance there with their impressive MPP list. Jilin was easily secured with over 2 million on the wall with only a few minutes remaining, and it isn't likely Russia will make any headway against China. On the other hand, the single battle of Russia succeeded in it's attack against USA held Shandong with the wall underground at -200k. This should be of some concern, as while Russia has no chance of holding Shandong against China's might, they might cancel their MPP with Serbia and turn over the territory to them, giving Serbia additional buffer against future attacks against Liaoning by the eUSA, and forcing China/USA to reconquering Shandong first. With the victory in Shandong, Russia has continued it's attacks against the USA by attacking Henan.

Indonesia attacks Luzon, Mindanio; Philippines

Mindanao Starte😛 Day 917 19:25
Luzon Starte😛 Day 917 19:30

Indonesia is trying very hard to wipe the Philippines off the map, with their last two territories under attack. Without any MPP this task isn't the most difficult one for the Indos. However with the congressional election having already completed, Philippines isn't under direct threat of open citizenship occurring, something that happens when a country is completely wiped. Open citizenship makes a country extremely vulnerable to PTO's as any citizen from any country can apply for citizenship there. Currently both battles are deep into the negative. Malayasia has started a Resistance war in Palawan which will end several hours after Indonesia's assault into Mindanao. With the Philippines getting wiped out, their active war with Indonesia will expire, allowing the RW to return the country to the map safe from assault.
Indonesia has conquered Luzon and Mindanio, and the Philippines have been officially wiped off of the map. This has cleared both their MPP (of which they had none) and their wars (the one of importance being Indonesia and Malaysia). A Palawan RW is already underway with Malaysians fighting red, so they will be returned to the map shortly. The other big downside of this is the SOL training wargames are obviously interrupted for the time being, at least until the Philippines get back most of their territory and a new war can be declared between them and Malaysia.

Serbia attacks Sindh, India

Starte😛 Day 918 08:09
Of the three battles India waged against Pakistan a few days ago, only the battle of Sindh has succeeded. Roughly an hour after the end of the battle, Serbia, no longer blocked by Romania, attacked Sindh. The wall is deep into underground and will certainly fall into Serbian hands, ensuring the existence of the Serbian outpost in Pakistan for the time being.

Sweden & Poland vs. Germany & Slovikia&Austria

Updated map and analysis to fix inaccuracies
A series of attacks, retreats and landswaps is currently underway in central Europe. Slovenia and it's MPP stack failed to defeat Poland in it's foreign territory of Styria. Sweden attacked Mecklenburg, and Germany retreated 3 hours later so they could attack Styria. Poland retreated from Styria (from Austria's earlier attack, so Slovenia's attack was negated) and attacked Eastern Slovakia, Slovakia and Meckleburg, Sweden. Germany then retreated from the attack at Slovakia. I really don't understand fully what is going on, except that Poland's attack on Mecklenburg is to put the German sovereign territory into their hands and keep Germany from easily retaking it.

Croatia attacks Bosnia and Herzegovina

The player “Citizen name exists” (I know interesting name for a Serbian) gave me an interesting update on the info with Bosnia. Apparently the pro-EDEN Bosnian president retreated every region that had a large number of winning Serbian (pro-Phoenix) congressional candidates just before the server reset at the end of the day. I wasn't aware of this, but apparently losing those regions at the end of the day negates all elections in that region (and therefore negated all votes used there). This leaves the Federation of BiH the sole region where congressmen could be elected, and apparently mostly pro-EDEN candidates were winning. If the result of this most unusual way to stop a PTO (or APTO depending on your perspective) is what I think, then EDEN will have both a majority of congress and a seated president, putting Bosnia and Herzegovina back into the EDEN camp until the next election cycle. Kudos to whoever thought of up that plan, burning off enemy votes by retreating regions at the end of election day.

Here's my original analysis
I remember seeing a day or two ago Bosnia's president was impeached (just checked, he was not impeached). One guess of mine is that EDEN has reclaimed enough votes in congress to impeach the Phoenix friendly president, and a more EDEN friendly target is in control now. Currently Bosnia has retreated every territory from Croatia that it can except its last (and I believe largest territory of Federation of BiH. On the other hand this doesn't make a whole lot of sense, as they still can't wipe out Bosnia, and if Bosnia really were in full control it would have been easier to remove it's MPP list by attacking Serbia. Bosnia might be retreating in an attempt to regain initiative and initiative block Croatia, although the way they did it they still have to wait 24 hours. Honestly I have no idea what's going on here, and I can't read anything but english (and spanish very badly), but perhaps someone will comment and enlighten me 🙂

North Korea landswaps more with Russia

North Korea retakes their sovereign territory of Chagang and Hamgyong to protect it behind their MPP list.

I've made a few changes from my first edition. First, I'm pulling my maps from instead of the in game map. I can zoom in much better, Europe isn't cluttered with names. Even though it's behind the in game map thanks to the delayed API, I can just manually change the colors to suit what is live (like I did with Sindh yesterday). I've also upgraded most of my spectacular effects from Microsoft Paint to Paint.NET. It's no Photoshop, but it does look a lot cleaner than hand made arrows 🙂
PFC Cecil Knight
eUSA Army Group West
25/4 Tropic Lightning

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