Working For Denmark

Day 187, 17:09 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

Dear World,

In this article Grev Per discusses:
Company and Housing Taxes in Copenhagen
The 1000 SEK Campaign
Call to Swedes
Call to the World
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The Danish national forums are now up and running. I highly recommend that everyone who supports a free Denmark join these forums!

Company and Housing Taxes in Copenhagen
Sweden thought they were so clever. With mayoral candidates in all their cities. With various parties have moved to places like Aalborg to steal our cities from us. To rob us of whatever dignity we might try and keep. This ridiculous charade ends now. Even while occupied we will fight you with whatever political means we have. Your occupation and colonization are not signs of integration, you have only managed in convincing two or three of our worst dregs of society in supporting Sweden. If we cannot keep our national sovereignty, we can certainly clean up the trash from the streets. No longer will a Danish man or woman have to worry about being kidnapped and forced into hard-labor simply. What I am talking about is the Copenhagen Company Taxes and the Housing Taxes. I have raised them to 800 and 100 separately.

Do not worry, if you are a member of the DGIN party you will be exempt from these taxes. This tax is only in place to eliminate unwanted riff-raff from the streets of our fair city. If you do not want to pay this tax, send me a PM and I will donate the money for you which you will in turn donate. You need however to have been a member for some time. I have a list so any sudden tricksters will go noticed. However we are always looking for new supporters so if you can convince me that you are a full-hearted supporter living in Copenhagen. Just contact me. It will however take a lot of convincing since I find it. This tax is only to drive out the Swedish who do not belong on our streets. All Danes loyal to Denmark have already joined.

Those of you who wish to support DGIN but you live in Copenhagen. I would recommend that you join the party, and then move to another Danish city. I highly recommend Sorø!

The 1000 SEK Campaign
I have been asked 1000 times, the validity of our campaign, "Let 1000 Kronars Bloom". The answer is simple. This is pure rebellion against the Swedish politics of excluding the unwanted. Let me illustrate you the art in which Sweden wishes to impose her politics. First and foremost comes the mayoral process. Until the moment I became mayor all the mayors and congressmen were part of the "Round Table" discussion forum, it was here all the decisions of the country were made. As soon as I became mayor all mayors were excluded from this forum. Of course this made it no longer possible for Stockholm to directly control all the mayors in Sweden. For the first time ever, I tossed up the idea that regions should be allowed to do what they want. Shocking! I imagine that if I were to become a congressman then only the sitting cabinet would be allowed in the round table and all the congressmen would be forced to have their own forum.

Not to mention the other attempts they have tried to rob us of a voice. In every field from economic, military and politics Danes have been excluded at every level. The Swede talks of integration and closes the door. The 1000 SEK campaign is a campaign against the ruling-elite of Sweden and their attempts to force us underneath the table.

The 1000 SEK campaign is a political bullet. The 1000 SEK will wipe the slate clean. It will give Danes the voice they need. It will make us a direct threat to Sweden. If everyone gets 1000 SEK everything becomes equal. The Swedish wealth which the Swedes robbed from Germany and Denmark will be worthless. The business elite will be no better than the common man. If everyone is rich then who is the business elite? There is none. And these Swedes who care so deeply. This business friendly government trying so hard to rule Sweden. This business elite which pays it's workers less per day than the selling price of Q1 food. The 1000 SEK campaign will put an end to the injustice the Swede has forced on all.

If you feel like I feel, and see what I see, then you know that the only thing you can do is support the 1000 SEK campaign. Perhaps when we are big enough Sweden will view us to be a threat and will cut her losses and give Denmark her independence. That is the ultimate goal is it not? If we attack the one thing that the Swedish ruling elite hold dear, their wealth and the Swedish economy, then we must create a weapon that will hurt them. The 1000 SEK campaign is a sword forged in Denmark and aimed at the heart of Sweden. Give us liberty or death to your economic rule!

All you have to do is
1. Move to Sweden (if you don't already live here)
2. Join the DGIN party
3. Vote for Skinke in the general elections!
4. Skinke wins!

Call to Swedes
Swedes, you are all responsible for what you have read in my articles. You are responsible for the misery you brought upon Denmark and the worsened lives of Danes here in the country. Do not blame it on anyone else. I did not force you to invade, no one forces the biggest country in the world, do they?

It is time for the Swede to take responsibility for their actions. How do you feel, when you have significantly worsened the enjoyment of the game for the Danish population? I can only think of a couple bootlickers who like it here in Sweden, and I don't think they enjoy my presence next to them very much. Swedes, if you care about Denmark. You will join us. We need your aid. We need you in our parties. We want you! Surely you are tired of the boredom of Swedish politics. Don't you want more? Don't you want an exciting project?

I guarantee you that Denmark will be free. Join the DGIN. Help us gain our independence, and then help us rebuild Denmark. We need active people to be future community leaders. We need loyal supporters who will not stand idly by and watch as the powers that be do everything they can to hold a stranglehold over their own power and preserve the status quo. How many boring elections do you want to witness? I mean christ "ooh flashback won again with a huge majority, that's news to me?" Don't you ever get bored over the monopoly of power that exists in this country? Where new players only join Flashback so that they can become career politicians and bureaucrats. In a nation where the second largest party can barely get 1 mayoral seat? And where it's a huge mayoral toss-up if someone other than Flashback actually gets a mayoral seat? Quit standing by and watching and actually take action for once!

Call to the World
Where are you friends of Denmark? You claim to support us, yet you do so only in words. What kind of impotence do you play at? Surely Danish independence would be a powerful tool for the world? The Mediterranean Alliance where is your friendship? Sweden has already declared you it's enemy. That was clear when all those Swedes were shocked when you allied with Canada? They took it as a betrayal, that's only a betrayal if Sweden thinks you are the enemy? How safe are you really?

They say that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Where is your friendship? Why have you never sent aid to poor little occupied Denmark. The Danish-German Independence Now Party could use your help in guaranteeing our freedom.

Where is the world? Is it not clear that we do not want to be part of Sweden? Is it not clear that your effort in our independence would signify a humanitarian action. There are so many despicable countries that do soft-takeovers, they simply send a group of people to take over an administrate a country to their own advantage. Why not actually help a group of people instead? Here is a group of people who have stayed in their own country despite occupation. Who chose to stay and fight for their independence. The only people in the world who have ever tried to truly rebel. And the world watches idly by? While covert armies are sent to places like South Africa or in like...every country bordering Romania.

We need you! Besides it might just help a lot of you get 1000 SEK!