Winter holidays: misije

Day 1,131, 10:31 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Field Marshal Milancho


Danes bom opisal praznične misije, po mojih podatkih so 3 (če je še kakšna me pa opozorite)
*English version below*

1. Winter Holidays: Preparing
- 20 predmetov v inventory
- 3 dni dela z plačljivim boosterjem (torej najmanj +50😵
- 2 MT v inventory

- 150 work skill
- 20 dni brezplačnega "extra storage" (+4 shout, +30 inventory polj)

2. Winter Holidays: Going on vacation
- bodi v državi, od katere nimaš državljanstva ter v regiji, ki ima jelene (deer)
- pojej za 300 zdravja hrane (brez časovne omejitve)

- 15 moči (strenght)
- 5 experience točk

3. Winter Holidays: The Guardian
- imej 3 orožja v inventory
- treniraj 3 dni s plačljivim boosterjem (najmanj +50😵
- premagaj 30 sovražnikov v bitki za regijo z jeleni

- 30 strenght
- 300 rank točk

4. Winter Holidays: Returning home with gifts
- imej 5 orožij; eno orožje vsake kvalitete
- imej 5 enot hrane; eno enoto hrane vsake kvalitete
- premagaj 50 nasprotnikov v bitki za originalno regijo tvoje države v kateri imaš državljanstvo

- 100 zdravja
- 500 rank točk

Delaj in treniraj tri dni zapored z 50% boosterjem, nakar se s pomočjo 2h moving ticketov, ki jih rabiš za prvo misijo preseliš v Švico in nato v regijo Lika and Gorski Kotar (v njej je danes še 10 ur resistance war, mislim pa da Hrvatje danes ne bodo odnehali in bodo RW-je še naprej sprožali). Za to potovanje potrebuješ eno karto za 1 cono (do Švice) in eno karto za 2 coni (iz Švice v Srbsko regijo L&GK). Tam nabiješ 30 Hrvatov ter se naješ za 300 zdravja hrane in končaš vse 3 misije.
Nato se preseliš nazaj v Slovenijo, kjer bo kmalu RW v Slovenian Littoral (proti Srbom).

Pa vesel božič in srečno novo leto vsem 😉

English version for my non-slovenian readers.

1. Winter Holidays: Preparing
You nee😛
- 20 objects in inventory
- work 3 days with payable booster (at least +50😵
- have 2 MT in inventory

- 150 work skill
- 20 days of free "extra storage" (+4 shout, +30 inventory)

2. Winter Holidays: Going on vacation
You nee😛
- be in a country of which you don't have citizenship of and in region with deers
- eat for 300 wellness of food (no time limit)

- 15 strenght
- 5 experience points

3. Winter Holidays: The Guardian
You nee😛
- 3 weapons in your inventory
- train for 3 days with payable booster (at least +50😵
- beat 30 enemies in region with deers

- 30 strenght
- 300 rank points

4. Winter Holidays: Returning home with gifts
You nee😛
- 5 weapons, one of each quality
- 5 food units, one of each quality
- defeat 50 opponents in battle for region of country you have citizenship of

- 100 wellness
- 500 rank points

Work and train 3 days in a row with +50% booster and then move to region in foreign country in region with deers and that has active battle. There beat 30 enemies (and consume at least for 300 wellness of food) and this way you complete all 3 missions.
Currently there is only 1 battle in region with deers and that is RW in Serbian region Lika and Gorski Kotar (Croatia vs Serbia, maximum 6 hours till end).
For 4th mission it depends on where you live.

Also merry christmass and a happy new year 🙂

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