Winner of The Joe DaSmoe Prize Announced

Day 797, 17:05 Published in USA USA by The Flufferton Foundation

We here at the Emerick awards are proud to announce the winner of The Joe DaSmoe Prize for Public Service Reporting.

The winner is….

System0101 for his article Monetary Market and You!

We felt this article did an extraordinary job of simply explaining a very complicated part of the game. All the articles submitted were excellent as usual and we thank everyone for taking the time to write these articles and submit them. They are not only a benefit to the winning writers (5g FTW), but they are a benefit to everyone who plays this game.

Now onto some awards that are much needed. We here at The Emerick Awards are disappointed at the amount of fail in the media the media today. For every excellent article you guys write there are 15 that frankly aren’t up to snuff. For that we will be giving out a new set of awards for extreme fail in any category of writing in the game.

We present to you The Fail Awards
(Due to a mishap yesterday, we have decided to rename the awards)

Ajay/Winston/PizzaTheHut Award- Given to only the worst writers, whom we wish we could take 5 gold away from.

INTELLECTUAL DEPTH Award - Given only to people who show an extreme inability to back up their arguments with anything of substance.

Rimjob Award – Given to people who fail so hard we feel someone needs to give them a rimjob.
In our opinions people who fail usually have dirty rims so if we clean them it might help improve their writing.
( A Rimjob is when someone cleans the Rims on your car)

We hope to never have to give out any of these awards but unfortunately in the past few weeks, fail has crept into the American Media at alarming rates. We traced it source back to one individual who we feel started it all and deserves to be told

We would like to introduce the loser of The Ajay Award and The INTELLECTUAL DETPH Award…

CENSORED, for his recent articles regarding the correlation between the lack of hospitals and our recent lack of retention, we would normally provide you with links to these articles but we don’t want you to read them because, we at the Emerick Awards don’t want to waste your time(Everyone has read them already). CENSORED didn’t win The Rimjob Award because while we felt his articles were exceptionally fail we also felt he had the countries best interests at heart.

Next Sunday we will announce the winners of the The One Eye Prize for Economic Reporting and The Emerick Award for the Greatest article of the past two months so please send in your submissions and keep cranking out those quality articles and good luck.

EDIT: After the actions of CENSORED we have decided that CENSORED does indeed deserve the Rimjob award. We were very disappointed in CENSORED's lack of a sense of humor and CENSORED's poor sportsmanship. We hope that in the future that CENSORED enters the Emerick Awards because he is sometimes a very good writer.
