Why Wellness Matters

Day 728, 13:08 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin
What makes an employer fire you?

Low Wellness is what.

That's right wellness. Lots of players don't realise how important it is to maintain 90+ Wellness and end up being fired from job after job.

Why does it matter to employers?

Productivity. Here is an example:

An employee who is skill level 4 and has 95 wellness produces: 17.4 units
An employee who is skill level 4 and has 40 wellness produces: 10.8 units

Its simple, the more you produce the more you are worth to your company. A player who maintains wellness is far more productive and as a result, earns more money and maintains job security.

For quite some time, eJapan has been engaging in active war games. Fighting in battle is the the single most effective way to maintain your wellness. All you have to do is MOVE to a state with a high quality hospital. It does not matter what state you live in in eRepublik, living in Chubu, for instance, because you live there in real life will get you no where. You are able to work anywhere within the country no matter what region you live in.

Our country has three Q5 Hospitals, one in Kanto, one in Hokkaido and one in the Glorious region of Fortress Kyushu. Why does that matter? Q5 hospitals give you 50 wellness points when you heal.

Quick Guide to Using Hospitals.

First off, you need to be at or above 40 wellness to be able to fight. If you are below that, find a friend who is willing to trade gifts with you in order to boost your wellness up or if you live in Kyushu you can contact my ORG the Kyushu Board of Health for emergency gifting.

After you have fought enough times and your welness is in the 40-50 range you need to stop fighting and go to the Hospital to heal. Click on your avatar in the top left of the screen to go to your profile page. Then click on the name of your region under 'location' which will take you to the region page. You then need to click on the 'Heal' button next to the Hospital and if you are in a Q5 Hospital region like Kyushu you will get 50 wellness added which will take you up to 90+ wellness!


This is all extremely easy to do and with the regular wargames we have in eJapan there is no reason for anyone to not have 90+ Wellness by Level 6.

It benefits you as a player in many ways to maintain high Wellness: Higher productivity=higher wages, also you will do more damage in fights with higher Wellness and the more you fight the faster you will go up levels as each fight gives you 2XP!

I hope this guide is of some help and if anyone has any questions then please message me anytime.

Party President TFC Party