Why vote for me?

Day 1,706, 05:54 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

Seriously, why vote for me?

I'm not a political power house, nor does my voice sway congress. But there is one thing which I have which many do not.


Sperry used to speak of honesty and how it could help forge a new eCanada that is beneficial to all.

This goal of his did not leave with him when he left the game. True his departure spelled the beginning for the end for EPIC as there was no one who could fill his shoes; but his ideas live on in those candidates who still believe a better eCanada can still be made.

This is why I keep running for congress. I will be the first to admit that the past month has been my least active communication wise. But I still made sure my voice was heard in the votes cast both in and out of forums. Therefore I only have two promises for this campaign.

1) Reinstate my "This Week in Congress" series to allow everyone easy access to whats up in congress, both on and off the forums.


2) Continue to be open and available to ALL citizens of erepublik regardless of party or creed to help come up with new strategies or refine old ones to make eCanada the better place that Sperry and I dreamed of.

To that end I have moved to the Canadian Progressive Front. I have already discussed my reasons for this move in a previous article, but suffice to say I see them as the best hope for a freer eCanada

So please come out to vote this 25th and ask yourself, why should I vote for you?