Why UZP Rules

Day 939, 14:18 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Im so sick of hearing all these people try to belittle my party the, The United Zionist Party. Its time I address each and every one of you one by one.

-&quot😉ogMaster I also very unhappy about what is happened to new Shalom. But pls read ISRguy comment, he is 100% right. Like it or not Shalom is gone and it is happened few weeks ago. Also new UZP, is not UZP of Sam Krakower, it is new aggressive noobish monster. We need chose side."

This comment pissed me off. Clearly this person has no idea what hes talking about. Sam Krakower has been inactive for awhile now and this party has been dying and falling apart. You call our party a joke when we are inactive and as soon as we start to get active organized and become the largest party in terms of members suddenly we are too "Aggressive." This party is in its prime and someone who isnt even in our party and never was has no right to say ANYTHING. Especially when there party (Shalom) is getting PTOed and has basically no active members. Who cares if we have new players?? Are we supposed to turn them away because they arent good enough for us? NO we bring them in and help them grow like every party in eIsrael should. Just because we have 3 times more members then you and even more high level members doesnt mean you need to diss us. Why dont you worry about rebuilding your own dead party instead of trying to Merge with Sababa to take control of the country.


"gavin, little tip on the go, claiming you are the big dog around after we got wiped is not very wise. you know and i know. if sababa was present you couldn't make that statement. and if they were to reform sababa, you wouldn't say so.

also. recruitment should be done through media and perhaps some pm campaign but really now. hold off the steam will ya? chain shouts pm brezerk mode..common thats not the uzp i used to know.

keep it clean. "

Keep it clean? Lets talk about keeping it clean. lets talk about firing Maelyn the hardest worker eIsrael has ever seen and replacing her with someone completely inexperienced . lets talk about being a puppet of Sababa and giving them your entire cabinet so you can win the election. Replacing competent people with political assets and friends. Like making the MoD someone who wanted to disband the eIDF. Lets talk about backstabbing. Like when you go to someone telling them you want to form a coalition against Sababa and the very next day declare you are running with them.

And now we are bad people because we actively recruit?? Wow im shocked.

The UZP you used to know? You mean the one you left to join Shalom long before I was even playing?

Im sick of hearing this "Old UZP" "UZP I used to know" BLAH BLAH BLAH If it was so great whyd you all leave and join a new party. Like I said before and I said it again our party is in its prime. Activity wise and numbers. Someone from another party shouldnt say anything. No one inside our party is complaining not even the old school guys like "Sam Krakower"


"No, Gavin; the reason why they haven't reformed is that someone doesn't get a free ride to party leadership and an easy shot at PTO, hence why many of the other parties are waiting until after PP elections to reform.

Also, they didn't take the forums, the biggest indicator of party activity. While you may have recruited a lot of members, how many, do you predict, will actually be active and loyal members to the party? How many do you think are only there so they have a voice in the upcoming elections?

Take things into perspective; it will save you in the long run. "

Another guy saying "Oh well you have a lot of member but none of them are active"
Yet again please tell me how do you know? Many of them are active and so what if there not all 100% active thats like it is with EVERY PARTY. Yet it seems only UZP gets crap for it.

Everything has been taken into perspective

More Members
More Activity

What am I not getting here that I need to be put into perspective?


"I thought about going to UZP because of their old agenda, but after their joke topic in FXP, i decided that Shalom is the best"

Right..... What this guy is referring too Is a topic set up in FXP by one of the UZP's newest and very enthusiastic Hebrew Speakers. It was a topic saying to join the UZP. He got slaughtered by ex Sababa guys because he didnt know enough. Thats what apparently drove this guy "Not to come to UZP"

I hope you like it in Shalom errr Sababa? I forget which is which now. Ether way Im just glad UZP is not undergoing a coup detat.


The UZP is very sorry we where the first party to gather enough gold to reform
We are sorry we have the most members
We are sorry we have new people in our party and are trying to help them
We are sorry for trying to revitalize the party
We are sorry where not good enough as the "Old UZP"
We are sorry for actively recruiting people

We are sorry for everything.... But not really though.

Truly yours,