Why to vote Pho3nix as President - a New Beginning and New Ministers

Day 1,322, 08:27 Published in Sweden Germany by Flitwick

Tomorrow it is time to elect a new President.
For the past two months, Lonestar has been President of eSweden. This is coming to an end and thus it is time to move on.
For three weeks it has been sort of a given, that W3st3rb3rg was the one to take over. No contested. That is not a good way to have a democracy. A good democracy needs more than one real candidate and it should never be a given, that one of these will be winning. That is why, we in Norsefire has decided to run our own candidate, Pho3nix.

So, why vote for Pho3nix?
There will be some changes in how the Government will look like. There will only be four ministries in the future.
The Ministry of Finance will be run by Valnad. Valnad is a good and hard working politician, who has visions. His job will be to do a proper clean up in the Ministry of Finance. And this clean up consists of several things.
First, everyone who is working in the department now, will not be working there under the first term of Pho3nix Presidency. There has been some anomalies, when it comes to how to run the ministry.
The gold owed to the parties has not been transferred to its rightful owners yet. That will be taken care of.
And for some time, there has not been much transparency in the economy. When Yoshi was appointed MoF this term, he asked to get a record of everything there was in all vaults controlled by the ministry. This was never given. In general there was a lot of resistance to show how the economy was in the state. That is going to change.

With Valnad as Minister of Finance you as a citizen will experience a whole new way of transparency. You will never be held in the total darkness and every month there will be released fiscal reports, so the congressmen have a chance to actually form their economy discussions based on facts and not on just thoughts.
With Valnad as Minister, you will not get the feeling, that he is the sole ruler of everything that comes to finance in the state. The Minister of Finance is essentially just the keeper of the state money, which is essentially kept for the congress. That is how it works, and that is how it should work. You will not experience with Valnad, that he will stop payouts voted for by congress.

Then we have the Minister of Defense.
In this position Lonestar will take charge. Lonestar's job will be to make The Swedish Military work properly again. Right now we are losing one region after another, and we are in general looking very weak.
Lonestar is being given the job to reform TSM, make communication better and make everything work more efficiently and openly.
He will be giving the tools and power to do this, no matter what it takes. If it takes a total cleanup in this department too, then that is what he will do. eSweden needs a proper military, with good communication and strategic skills.

The new Minister of Foreign Affairs will be Konkelbaer.
Konkelbaer has so far been the head of ambassadors and it is time for him to move up. His job will be simple. Keep in contact with the world, make sure eSweden always knows how both our allies and our enemies feel about us and in general keep good relations to all parts of the world. Even when we are at war with a country, it is still important to have open communication channels to them, in case they wish to surrender or in general make a good deal.

The last department is Ministry of Education.
Haschmonstret is the current minister here and he will continue. The Ministry of Education has been in good progress the past months and we wish that this progress to continue.

So why vote for Pho3nix and not W3st3rb3rg?
Voting for Pho3nix means eSweden will be given a new chance.
Transparency will be given highest priority and there will be a proper clean out in Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Defense.
You will get new ministers of three different departments, but even though they are new, they are all very experienced and knows what to do and when to do it.
In the Ministry of Education Haschmonstret will continue as minister and continue the good progress already achieved in this department.

So, vote Pho3nix for a better, transparent and more efficient eSweden.

Yours Truly,