Why to join the Royal Navy

Day 1,622, 07:47 Published in United Kingdom Spain by Saiwun.A.White

Hi guys,
Today I am going to show you some reasons why to join the Royal Navy and some stuff that may discourage you not to join the other major military groups.

TUP Family

Here birdie birdie!

ESO Legion

Who cares what it has to do with the ESO?
Kitty cat!


To infinity and beyond!

British Expeditionary Force (BEF)

Do you have any idea who our natural enemies are?

The 7th Cavalry

Will we win any wars on that?

Why you might want to join the Royal Navy.
eUK's #1 is in it! (Alfagram)
It is the UKPP's official MU- don't get me started on how epic the UKPP is!
You can get a weekly supply of food and tanks.

If that didn't turn you- look at this!