Why the United Kingdom should be Great Britain

Day 805, 16:56 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Why the United Kingdom should be Great Britain

Dear eAustria,

Greetings to all. I hail from Rotherham, Wales and I'm sorry to say that it looks like the eRepublik team do not know the history of the United Kingdom and it's countries. To support the previous statement, the United Kingdom consists of four countries, which are Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. But as you can see in the list of eRepublik countries, Ireland is a country of it's own.

To add to that, Great Britain consists of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. Now, I know it still contains parts of Ireland but the UK consists of Ireland as a whole. I ask you read, which one seems more suitable?

I do not know when this game was developed and whatnot but I wonder, is it too much trouble to correct the mistakes of eRepublik? Although, when I first signed up for this I was hoping that Wales would be a country of it's own, I think this is the most important issue right now.

These four countries' history and independence mean so much to it's respective citizens in real life and the ones that play this game. I think most of us would appreciate it if this was corrected.

Alas, my train of thought has returned to it's station. I have had writers block for some time now, haha. This article should put an end to that. I will also like to add that I wish to return to the eUnited Kingdom very soon.

HAIL CIEL PHANTOM?! Nah, Im kidding...

Thank you for reading
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~Ciel Phantom, Congress~