Why t'jelle Bank Is More Secure And More Efficient

Day 791, 11:17 Published in USA USA by t'jelle Bank
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Just a while back, admin banned a multitude of bank organizations and only one of those banks is left standing - t'jelle Bank. The ban was due to a misunderstanding with the admin of eRepublik who assumed that we were involved in a scam because one of our employees was involved with it. What made t'jelle Bank different from all of the other banks to get banned, however, was that we are still operational. That's what I am here to talk about today - how t'jelle Bank has created a system that can take multiple hits and still stand operational.


t'jelle Bank has, over the months of operation, created a complex "'web" of organizations that serve as "vaults" for the main org. Should any of these orgs be banned or hacked into, it wouldn't shut down the entire bank, because it holds only a fraction of the bank's assets. In addition to that, t'jelle Bank has money invested in multiple areas throughout the world currently totalling 2,300 Gold. This gives t'jelle Bank the ability to be banned, hacked or by extension allow the entities it is investing in to similar actions and yet still be able to pay interest to depositors.

This security allows depositors to rest assured that regardless of what happens, t'jelle Bank will remain operational.


t'jelle Bank has also hired a number of employees to handle the daily tasks of the bank - including deposits, withdrawals, interest, loans, support, etc and this allows us to be on top of the bank's operations. Much like the way we spread out risk by operation numerous vaults, t'jelle Bank has at least two employees trained for each task and most have three to four citizens prepared to complete any tasks needed. This allows our employees to become sick, leave for vacation or even leave the game without warning and allow the bank to continue operating.

This surplus of trained employees allows t'jelle Bank to remain fully efficient and when bank customers follow protocol (submit questions through our website, not by emailing orgs) problems and questions are usually solved in a quick and efficient manner. Granted our loans department has always lagged behind other departments in terms of efficiency, but that brings us to the next part.


t'jelle Bank is constantly determined to invest in new ideas that allow the bank to become quicker, better and easier to use. We were the first bank to use a website implementing the eRepublik API - allowing for faster registration and depositing. We were the first bank to use the API to speed up the interest process and the first bank to create a website using the API to create an application for loans.

We invest hundreds of gold every month on the research and creation of new website modules, new forms of organization and added employees. t'jelle Bank has spent nearly 1,000 Gold, since its creation, on Bank Improvement and continues to this day to be a leader in the use of technology for banking services.

We hope this article shows you how t'jelle Bank has attempted to revolutionize the eRepublik Financial Industry and show you how we attempt to revolutionize it further.

t'jelle Bank
An Investment Opporunity - For All

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