Why Indonesia Declared War

Day 826, 06:57 Published in Philippines USA by Judean Princess
Dear Philippines,

Many of you probably have concerns about the recent declaration of war against the Philippines by our neighbours Indonesia. In this article I hope to dispel any myths about the situation and hopefully present what the Indonesians have told their media about their plans regarding the Philippines and our people.

Many months ago, Indonesia was a major economic and military superpower. However recently its power has weakened, partly because it has achieved everything a country can achieve and its population are now bored. Part of their long term strategy to get a boom of interest in the country again is to occupy key regions in Asia which will have a special economic or political significance to the Indonesian people, such as the now USA occupied region of Karnataka.

Over the past several months several Asian countries, including China, India, Malaysia and the Philippines have indirectly assisted the USA and EDEN by either allowing their countries to pass through our territory or by attempting to block Phoenix countries. In turn, EDEN have offered some level of protection to our people, especially in Malaysia.

The result of this is the current Declaration of War (DoW) by Indonesia against the Philippines. Indonesia has stated that it has no interest in occupying South-East Asia, and that the DoW is purely for tactical reasons- in other words to attack our non-original regions should we attempt to block their future ambitions in Asia. Indonesia have stated that the Filipino MPP with Poland has taken the Philippines’ original territories off the list of possible attack targets, so we don’t have to worry too much there.

In all, we must consider this move to be a tactical one. There shouldn’t be any danger of an invasion of our home territories right now, and Indonesia has reiterated its commitment to freeing Phoenix allies in Europe before it pursues any national goals. If they did attack, it is likely they would lose. For the Philippines, it’s important we focus on our domestic concerns and choose our MPPs wisely.

I hope this has helped alleviate your concerns,

Judean Princess