Why I voted Cozza.

Day 746, 01:50 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Why I voted Cozza.

Well first of all let’s dismiss anything about Religious convictions I am a loud and proud Dioist to the bone.

First of all it was his aims- Increase Population by 15% Percent. I weighed this up with the other candidates. Both only wanted 10%. I figured that ambition was good here and I had read Cozza’s plans to do this. By increasing our population we will have more soldiers and be ready to take on eIndonesia in our final show-down. We are at war. More population= more soldiers
More soldiers mean we can defend our allies in Sol and help to defend eMalaysia from the Red and White Threat.

Secondly we wanted to increase GDP by 10% as opposed to the 1% and 2% of the other candidates. I’m not really into economics much so this looked good to me.

And secondly the fact that the other two candidates both wanted to sit tight in eAus. Not expand. We will never win this war if we sit in our bunker defending our allies. We must attack, block and out the pressure on. Those lands in SA are now blocked off from the main empire by WA. This will not have slipped past the eIndo high command; they will probably be plotting already to take it back, and the rest of eAus with it. We must attack hard and fast and liberate South Africa. With the support of South Africa we can take the fight to the Indonesians.

That’s why I voted Cozza to improve Australia and to make sure we have the best leadership to win this war.

I’m Robb and I fully support Cozza for President.