Whole eEurope is in WAR!!! [EN]

Day 771, 11:12 Published in Russia North Macedonia by MakedonecMKD
Today, 30.12.2009, day before New Year, WHOLE EUROPE IS IN WAR!!!

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While Pakistan took Black Sea Coast of Turkey and Eastern Anatolia, Turkey wants to take back her lost territory and started a resistance force in Marmara, now in Bulgaria. But the Bulgarians won't struggle for that territory, because before, Marmara was conquered by Romania, and they are both in Phoenix.Turkey also attacked Aegean Islands, and Crete. Turkey conquered Aegean Islands, but there's still fight for Crete. Israel still haven't return Haifa District to themselves.

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Little upper, Romania was attacked by Hungary and Bulgaria. Bulgaria attacked Oltenia, and Hungary attacked Crisana and conquered.

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Croatia conquered almost whole Slovenia, attacked whole Slovenia, but there is still fight for Prekmurje and Upper Carniola. I wonder why Serbs didn't helped the Slovenians, they weren't in big number during the fight, and Phoenix members at all, I guess that was crucial.

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In west Europe, there is fight between Spain, Italy and France. Spain gained half of the territory of France, while France started resistance war only in one area, Limousin. Burgundy, Paris Isle of France, Lorraine, Alsace, Provence Alpes Azur. Spain also conquered two territory's who were Italy's and Aosta Valley was attacked by Spain, while Italy started resistance war in Piedmont, now Spain.

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Poland conquered half of Germany, attacked the north part, including: Lower Saxony and Bremen, ThuringiaSahony-Anhalt. All those areas don't have hospital or defence system, and with the Polish Baby Boom, they can conquer much more territory's who they will attack.

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P.S. I'm sorry for the problems with this article, so I wrote it again. Vote and Sub!